Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Soal dan pembahasan UN English

The Buyat Bay, issue has been a hot topic these past two weeks.
However, no party has claimed responsibility for the pollution in the bay. This country is
suffering from an old illness : it cannot see the culprits even though it could - if it wanted to.
The issue started when a non-governmental organization discovered that a number of
people living near the bay in South Minahasa district, North Sulawesi province, were suffering
from skin diseases.
Blood tests showed that some had high levels of mercury in their blood.
Public opinion then turned against the subsidiary of U.S based Newmont Minahasa Corp.
PT Newmont Minahasa Raya, accusing it of causing the pollution by dumping its tailings in the
1 . This text mainly talks about ........
A . the pollution in the bay
B . the discovery of pollution by a non government organization
C . the failure of the government to find the culprits
D . the skin disease of the people living in Buyat Bay
E . the Buyat Bay issue
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Teks di atas membicarakan mengenai isu di pantai Buyat
2 . "Public opinion then turned ........ by dumping its tailings in the bay." (Paragraph 5)
The underlined word means ........ in a careless manner.
A . unloading
B . piling
C . burying
D . packing
E . covering
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
dumping berarti penimbunan sama dengan burying yang berarti penguburan.

The problem of over population in Indonesia is made worse by the fact that fifty percent
of all Indonesians are below the age of eighteen years. Most of them are dependents. They do
not earn money to support themselves and are in need of many facilities like food, medical care,
clothing, education, and employment opportunities. Although a large number of them are forced
to drop out of school to earn a living, the government. still has to spent a very large part of its
revenue on education. Then comes the problem of creating enough jobs for every new
generation of school leavers or college graduates.
Although the problem of overcrowded cities is difficult to solve, there is a solution to the
problem of people living in overcrowded areas of the countryside. The solution is internal
migration. This means moving poor people from the countryside to different but underdeveloped
parts of Indonesia, where they may work to build a new life themselves. In Indonesia, there are
large and active resettlement programmes of his sort which have given a new life to thousands
of people.

3 . What is mainly discussed in the text?
A . Population problem.
B . Migration in Indonesia.
C . How to solve unemployment in Indonesia.
D . Overcrowded cities
E . A new life for thousands of people
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Teks di atas menjelaskan tentang masalah kependudukan.

4 . Tlae main idea of paragraph one is that ........
A . Most of the youth are jobless
B . The elderly are more than the youth
C . The youth earn money to support themselves.
D . Indonesians lack employment opportunities
E . Fifty percents of Indonesians are dependents
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Pokok pikiran utruna paragraf satu adalah banyaknya anak muda yang tidak memiliki
pekerjaan alias pengangguran.

5 . Which sentence is TRUE according to the text?
A . Creating enough jobs for the young is not urgent.
B . Less than fifty percent of Indonesians are dependents.
C . There is no solution to the problem of overcrowded cities.
D . The only way to solve problem of over populatlon is by internal migration.
E . Employment opporcunities cannot help solve the over population problem.
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasi kelebihan populasi pada suatu daerah adalah dengan
adanya pemerataan penduduk di dalam negeri.

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